De Ceuvel - Amsterdam
The site of ‘Ceuvel Volharding’ is a former shipyard, an abandoned and polluted site in the Buiksloterham ports. In an economically better time, this site would be remediated in the traditional way and then built up. In 2012, the planned urban development came to a halt and the site awaited development, which presented opportunities for an alternative development.
The City of Amsterdam and Noordwaarts made the land available for 10 years for the most innovative plan. The ‘Zuiverend Park De Ceuvel’ plan with its breeding ground for depreciated houseboats was put forward by a very diverse and interesting group of people who are turning this piece of Amsterdam Noord into a great active and creative place.
The technique of phytoremediation, which uses plants to extract pollution from the soil, offers a solution for this polluted area, and a bio-digestion plant will convert biomass into energy. For example, the site is a test site for research on organic soil purification and biomass production by Ghent University. And after ten years, the entire site will be returned cleaner to the city of Amsterdam.
DELVA Landscape Architecture / Urbanism is responsible for the design, research, planting and maintenance of the purifying park. The process can be followed at
Contaminated land is planted with soil-purifying plant species. Old houseboats accommodate creative enterprises. After 10 years, the site is left cleaner for a new function
Plants purify contaminated soil
The starting point for the realisation of the new De Ceuvel breeding ground is soil and water pollution. Current techniques that can be used to combat pollution are costly, unsustainable and often limited to hiding or relocating the pollution. The technique of Phytoremediation, which uses plants to extract contaminants from the soil, offers an alternative.
A bio-digestion plant will convert the biomass into energy and workshops and tours will be held to inform and enthuse residents and visitors about the purifying park.
On the site of `De Ceuvel`, this organic method of purification is being shaped into a working, purifying park. After ten years, the entire site will be returned cleaner to the city of Amsterdam.
The starting point for the realisation of the new De Ceuvel breeding ground is soil and water pollution. The technique of phytoremediation, which uses plants to extract contaminants from the soil, offers an alternative.
Process over 10 years:
- Planting the park with purifying plants
- Refurbish surplus houseboats from Amsterdam and place in purifying park
- Park De Ceuvel where artists work in a sea of working greenery (purifying + biomass generating)
- After 10 years, the boats move to a new location and the ground is left cleaner
Research on organic purification and biomass production
Organic purification and biomass production at De Ceuvel is being researched by Ghent University, with De Ceuvel to serve as a test site. A knowledge route (path with information) shows the results of these studies and informs about the sustainable principles of the purifying park. In this way, De Ceuvel will become a place where researchers, designers, residents, governments, entrepreneurs, farmers and schoolchildren together further define its future use.
De Ceuvel is een park voor intensieve kennisontwikkeling en een testlocatie voor organische bodemzuivering en biomassaproductie
Systematics of nature
Purification of soil and water, education, biomass production, innovation, research, ecology, art and culture come together at this new breeding ground. We see it as a park for intensive knowledge development. Active greenery in the city.
Making nature’s systematics part of the design allows us to go beyond the usual. We want to give new meaning to the city’s green spaces and its public spaces, as well as make a part of Amsterdam cleaner.
Purification of soil and water, education, biomass production, innovation, research, ecology, art and culture come together at this new breeding ground
DELVA has published two volumes around circularity in Buiksloterham. Circular Buiksloterham: a living lab for circular area development and the publication Buiksloterham Circular: designing the post-industrial city.
- Location
- Amsterdam
- Status
- Implemented
- Client
- City of Amsterdam, Noordwaarts
- Together with
- Metabolic Label, Space & Matter en Studio Valkenier