Geestwater - Lisse

DELVA is designing a spectacular residential and nature development area in Lisse Geestwater. With a high-quality plan for 450 homes in the polder, we use the landscape as a spatial and economic cornerstone to build responsibly in nature, creating a new way of environmentally conscious development in rural areas.

DELVA Geestwater Lisse plankaart staand

Responsible building in rural areas with landscape as a spatial and economic foundation

In contrast to the typical approach in a polder, where soil is added and homes are built on top, the Geestwater project significantly reduces the need for additional earthworks. The homes are placed on artificial mounds (terps), allowing for a water-rich and visually appealing landscape to develop around them.

This design addresses key challenges such as nature development, water management, and the creation of a comfortable living environment. By incorporating intimate residential clusters, smaller private plots, and integrated parking facilities, we create ample space for a vast water landscape, with green-blue extensions that stretch throughout the entire development.

We focus on a water-rich residential landscape that greatly enhances the natural value of the existing polder and transforms the area into an accessible and unique experience

The Landscape as co-author of the business case

At the same time, we reduce costs by minimizing road infrastructure, delaying the drainage of stormwater (eliminating the need for gutters or sewage systems), and using a much smaller area for preloading and foundations. This way, we achieve the same returns as in a traditional Vinex development, but with a much more intimate living quality, fewer cars and direct access to a 12-hectare water landscape.

Lisse Geestwater Waterlandschap woonwijk polder steven delva amsterdam Landschaparchitectuur Landscape Architecture Urbanism park natuur natuurpark waterpark amvest stek

Giving nature the most possible space

In Geestwater, we aim to give nature as much space as possible. Based on the soil types, surface water, natural shorelines, wetlands, riparian forests and flower meadows form the building blocks of a natural, self-sustaining landscape. This approach creates new habitats for specific butterfly species, amphibians, small birds and a rich diversity of other bird species. Through this, we transform Geestwater – currently an empty and inaccessible polder – into a distinctive landscape where people can live with joy and immerse themselves in nature.

World Landscape Award of Excellence

In 2023, Geestwater received prestigious recognition, winning a World Landscape Award of Excellence in the category of ‘Concept – Commercial Residential.’ “This is a special honor for the entire team (Houben van Mierlo, DELVA, Stek, Amvest and the municipality of Lisse),” says Steven Delva. “It proves that it is perfectly possible to address multiple societal needs, which often include water management challenges, starting from an economic framework, such as a real estate development. As long as there is integrated thinking and collaboration. That is why we are also convinced of the power of our profession, where we effectively engage with the spatial challenges of the 21st century. We turn the design process completely upside down, using the landscape as the starting point to densify, green, and make sustainable.”

Read more about the award here

A+ Awards Landscape & Planning

In 2024, Geestwater won the Architizer A+ Award in the ‘Unbuilt Masterplan’ category. Read more

Masterplan - DO stedenbouwkundig plan - DO landschapsplan
Gemeente Lisse, Amvest, Woonstichting Stek
Together with
Buiting Advies, Houben / van Mierlo architecten, Arcadis, Aveco de Bondt, SmitsRinsma